Case Study Kevin Cerebral Palsy

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Case Study Kevin Cerebral Palsy par Mind Map: Case Study Kevin Cerebral Palsy

1. Differentiated Instruction

1.1. Environmental Supports

1.2. Instructional Supoprts

1.2.1. Differentiated Learning Experiences Differentiated Instruction: Using What Makes Each Student Special |

1.3. Assessment Supoprts

2. Assistive Technologies

2.1. Writing

2.1.1. Writing Tools for People with Cerebral Palsy | Adaptive Equipment

2.2. Mobility

2.2.1. Assistive Technology and Adaptive Equipment for Children with Cerebral Palsy | Cerebral Palsy Guidance

3. Issue

3.1. Mild Cerebral Palsy

3.2. Difficulty completing handwritten assignments

3.3. Extra Time needed for writing/handwritten assignments

3.4. Mobility around classroom

4. Social Implications

4.1. Bullying

4.2. Potential behavior issues

4.3. Difficulty fitting in socially

4.4. Communication

4.5. Easily frustrated

5. Academic Struggles

5.1. Writing

5.2. Verbal and written communication

6. Academic Strengths

6.1. Smart

6.2. Eager to Learn

6.3. Open to suports