Slavery's influence on the evolution of American Music

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Slavery's influence on the evolution of American Music par Mind Map: Slavery's influence on the evolution of American Music

1. Throughout the history of the evolution of American music the white Europeans would transform each unique music style created by African Americans into new styles that required highly educated and trained musicians, appealed to a broader audience, and was more conducive to dancing and entertainment versus pure artistry

2. Heterogeneous vs Homogeneous

3. Spontaneous vs calculated

4. 'A lot of people seem to think I started this business. But rock ‘n' roll was here a long time before I came along. Nobody can sing that kind of music like colored people. I can't sing it like Fats Domino can. I know that.' Elvis Presley

5. Formation of slang words/sounds

6. Music not written down

7. Slaves brought a new style of music to the new world as they expressed their sadness through song, planting the seeds for what became known as "The Blues".

8. Slaves introduced a new style of music based on their African roots

9. Emphasis on performer.

10. Echo Technique

11. Signifying