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My New Mind Map par Mind Map: My New Mind Map

1. Climate change is a change in global or regional pattern. Increased levels of greenhouses gases in the atmosphere.

2. Climate Change is effected by fossil fuels and deforestation. Burning of fossil fuels causes an increase of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide.

3. Climate Change has melted ice caps, increase in temperatures, a rise in chances of hurricanes.All badly effecting the earth.

4. Ways to reduce Climate Climate are reducing fossil fuels, deforestation, and use more efficient ways of living in the world.

5. Nationally the government have signed The Global Warning Solutions Act of 2006 and a blueprint of Clean Energy Economy for the climate in 2030

6. In my personal opinion i feel Climate Change is better than Global Warming as it deals with more than just the warming of the Earth. For example in changes in perception patterns and heat waves.

7. Burning of fossil fuels,deforestation,fertilizers,Fluorinated Gases allow more greenhouse gases(CO2 and nitrous oxide) into the atmosphere and warms the earth up more.

8. Volcanoes,swamps, animals and plants are natural effects that alter greenhouse effects. Swamps release methane into the atmosphere along with animals and plants releasing CO2