Travel and tourism

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Travel and tourism par Mind Map: Travel and tourism

1. The impacts on people

1.1. Advantages

1.1.1. Myths debunked

1.1.2. School

1.1.3. Family

1.1.4. Refugees

1.1.5. Jobs

1.1.6. Culture

1.2. Disadvantages

1.2.1. Disrespecting etiquette and tradition

1.2.2. Limited knowledge

1.2.3. Crime

1.2.4. Overpopulation

1.2.5. Spread of diseases

2. The impacts on the economy

2.1. Advantages

2.1.1. New job opportunities/creating new jobs

2.1.2. New money to the country

2.1.3. Multiplier effect

2.1.4. Voluntourism

2.1.5. Eco-tourism

2.1.6. Urban tourism

2.1.7. Rural tourism

2.2. Disadvantages

2.2.1. Tax

2.2.2. Money goes to another place

2.2.3. Crisis

2.2.4. Jobs

2.2.5. poverty

3. The impacts on Environment

3.1. Advantages

3.1.1. Recognition

3.1.2. infrastructure

3.1.3. Unesco

3.1.4. Heritage tourism

3.2. Disadvantages

3.2.1. pollution

3.2.2. Vandalism

3.2.3. disturbing organisms