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1. What are SOLEs?

1.1. SOLEs are Self Organized Learning Environments and they exist anywhere there is a computer, Internet connection, and students who are ready to learn. Within a SOLE students are given the freedom to learn collaboratively using the internet. An educator poses a Big Question and students form small groups to find an answer.

2. How does technology affect the educational system?

2.1. Technology is actually a major tool, both in terms of pedagogical resources and in terms of connecting with the younger generations. Thanks to Internet connection, students are capable of accessing any kind of information at any given moment of the day, thus, allowing them to learn at a faster rate.

3. What is the best way to learn? Does it even exist?

3.1. It depends on every single person, due to the fact that there are people who can learn by themselves or people who need guidance. A perfect way of learning does not exist. Today’s general learning methods are completely useless to some students. The best way to find out what one’s preferred learning method is is by getting to know themselves and try different alternatives of studying/learning.

4. Is it better to let children learn by themselves or be guided by a teacher?

4.1. Children are defined by curiosity and this is the main factor that can be used in the process of learning. Through technology they are able to find any kind of information, but they need to select the benefic kind information, therefore, they need a professional guide (a teacher) in order to keep them focused on what they should learn.

5. Project done by: Jovanovic Kristina (anul II, LL, srb-eng), Mateiaşi Monica Alexandra (anul II, LL, ger-eng), Poenariu Alexandra-Maria (anul II, LL, ger-eng)

6. How big is the language barrier issue?

6.1. Due to children’s interest in anything that is new, the language barrier has barely any significance to them. However, in order to progress further into their selected domains, they need to be capable of speaking the system’s language fluently. A task that can be difficult if they are not being supervised and redressed.

7. Is it important to have money in order to have access to a productive educational system?

7.1. While being financially privileged can bring a certain amount of bonuses, it is not a matter of importance regarding education. If given the chance, even children with underprivileged financial background can strive and succeed in a specific domain. However, due to their financial and social status, many children around the globe never get the chance to learn and study.

8. How will learning happen in the future?

8.1. In the future, learning will be more focused on self-education through technology, therefore, children will be able to discover new information on their own. Teachers will ask them questions in order to stimulate their curiosity and conduct them into the right answer. They will have a guidance role.

9. Would today's teachers be ready to change their ways of teaching?

9.1. While some teachers are open to changes, others are not. The younger generations of teachers are more open-minded, while the older generations are used to the traditional ways of teaching, which do not include technology, only a pen, paper and oral speeches. Younger generations are always keen on improvement and progress.