International Mindedness in Language and Literature

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International Mindedness in Language and Literature par Mind Map: International Mindedness in Language and Literature

1. Diverse Texts

1.1. Expand your reading to include suggestions by other educators

1.2. Expand your media consumption by taking suggestions from students on music, film, art, blogs, youtube videos, memes, etc.

1.3. Are my students' identities represented in the authors, characters, or topics of the texts I've selected

1.4. Are my students' identities or the identities of others being portrayed in a stereotypical or reductive way in these texts?

1.5. What opportunities am I creating for my students to engage and identify with identities other than their own?

2. Diverse Learners

2.1. Do I know the identities and backgrounds of my students?

2.2. Do I know how my students learn best?

2.3. Do I know what my students' home languages are?

2.4. How do my explicit and implicit biases impact my students' experiences in my classroom?

2.5. Am I familiar with the literary traditions of my students' communities?

3. Responsive Instructional Strategies

3.1. Universal design for learning

3.2. Small group instruction

3.3. Student-centered and inquiry-based learning

3.4. Honoring student knowledge and choice