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ADDIE Model par Mind Map: ADDIE Model


1.1. It is the Production & Testing to make sure all is working

1.2. Focus is to create the course that match the design phase by adding details to the different items developed in previous two steps.

1.3. Outcome: Course Content


2.1. Setting the procedure for training facilitators and making sure learners can use the technology

2.2. Outcome: Course is LIVE for Learners


3.1. Formative: Should be a continuous process through all stages

3.2. Summative: tests design and learner feedback forms

3.3. OUTCOME: Evaluation Report & Changes needed for coming courses


4.1. Focus is to analyze the target audience and current situation; assessing what the audience already know.

4.2. Aim to answer the following questions: WHO are the audience? WHAT is the training goal? what are learning constraints? WHEN is it taking place? Where to do it? WHY is it important and behavioral change needed?

4.3. Outcome: Training Needs & Plan


5.1. Focus is to identify the learning objectives, strategy, delivery methods and structure, format and delivery mode, content, assessments and feedback

5.2. Outcome: Overview of Course Design