Characteristics of Twentieth-Century Music

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Characteristics of Twentieth-Century Music par Mind Map: Characteristics of Twentieth-Century Music

1. Challenge

1.1. ear

1.1.1. voices

1.1.2. instrumentation

1.2. MIND

1.2.1. ideas

1.2.2. lyrics

2. Rythm

2.1. Irregular

2.2. Free

3. Expressionism

3.1. subjective

3.2. distonal

3.3. tonal

4. Nationalism

4.1. Conservative

4.2. Radical

5. Futurism

5.1. Artificial Noises

6. Tone

6.1. unusual playing

6.1.1. sound effects Glissando Flutter tongue Extended notes

7. Expanded Percussion

7.1. new instruments

7.1.1. xylophone

7.1.2. celesta

7.1.3. woodblock

8. New cord structures

8.1. Polycord

8.2. Quartal and Quintal harmony

8.3. Cluster

9. Melodies

9.1. Erratic

9.2. Wide leaps

9.3. Unexpected note

10. Computer Music

10.1. Experimentation product

10.1.1. Software

10.1.2. Programming