How do high school students describe their use and engagement with the library?

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How do high school students describe their use and engagement with the library? par Mind Map: How do high school students describe their use and engagement with the library?

1. Participation

1.1. active involvement, people performing tasks, providing support for people and dealing with people personally

1.1.1. I plan to interview a student who reads (more often than students who don't read) one on one in order to get their perspective on reading

1.1.2. I plan on having a focus group of at least 3 students that do not read often to gain their perspective on reading and library use

1.1.3. I enlisted the help of the librarian to help me find students that fit the criteria for the action research project

2. Inclusion

2.1. all groups and individuals affected and all issues discussed, ensures cooperation and that all groups benefit

2.1.1. Students that do not read as often, the focus of this study, will be included throughout the research process

2.1.2. Students that do read often and visit the library will also be included to get their perspective

2.1.3. Librarian will be included in discussion as they are living the problem of students not reading and visiting the library as often

3. Relationships

3.1. Strive to maintain harmony, avoid conflicts, resolve any conflicts that may arise, and promote equality among all parties

3.1.1. I plan to cultivate an ongoing positive working relationship with the librarians who have helped me with my work

3.1.2. I plan to cultivate a positive working relationship with the students that I interview

3.1.3. I plan to avoid conflicts and resolve any that may arise between all parties (researcher and participants)

4. Communication

4.1. Understood by everyone and is truthful and sincere as well as socially and culturally acceptable

4.1.1. I plan to communicate all the details truthfully and openly during throughout the entire process

4.1.2. I plan to keep an open communication channel between all parties, so any issues that come up can be resolved

4.1.3. I plan to treat all parties with respect and act in an appropriate manner that's socially and culturally accepted