Library Learning Commons

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Library Learning Commons par Mind Map: Library Learning Commons

1. Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Ministry Document

2. Empowering Modern Learners Document at the Peel District School Board

2.1. Access to Technology

2.2. Learning Cultures

2.2.1. Curiosity and agency in the lifelong learning process Hour of Code Hack-a-thon Genius Hour etc.

2.3. 21st century competencies

2.3.1. Communication and Collaboration Collaboration Stations/Connectable Tables

2.3.2. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving/Innovation Inquiry based learning

2.4. Models of Learning

2.4.1. Inquiry based learning

2.4.2. Blended learning

3. Equity and Inclusive Education in Ontario Schools Ministry Document

3.1. Library Catalogue

3.1.1. LGBTQ Books

3.1.2. Indigenous Books

3.1.3. Culturally appropriate books

3.1.4. ELL Resources

3.2. Displays

3.2.1. Orange Shirt Day

3.2.2. Transgender Awareness Week

3.2.3. Islamic Heritage Month

3.2.4. Lunar New Year

3.2.5. etc.

3.3. Equitable Workspaces

3.3.1. Collaborative

3.3.2. Quiet Study

3.3.3. Headphones

3.3.4. Variety of technology

4. We Rise Together Document from the Peel District School Board

4.1. Library Catalogue

4.1.1. Books for Black Youth

4.2. Displays

4.2.1. Black History Month

5. OCT Standards of Practice

5.1. Commitment to Students and Student Learning

5.1.1. Virtual and print resources for student learning

5.1.2. Inviting library environment

5.1.3. Resources relevant to curriculum expecations

5.1.4. Displays that intrigue student interest in reading and learning

5.2. Access to Technology

5.2.1. Chromebooks/ Chromeboxes

5.2.2. Printers and Scanners

5.2.3. Computers

5.2.4. IPads

5.2.5. Assistive Technology Text to speech programs, headphones, etc.

5.2.6. Projector Room

5.3. Leadership in Learning Communities

5.3.1. Collaborative work spaces

5.3.2. Positive learning environment

5.3.3. Access to physical and digital resources available

5.3.4. Guest Speaker that interest students

5.4. Professional Practice

5.4.1. Learning Environments Positive physical and virtual space Co-constructed environment with flexible furniture layout and displays

5.4.2. Collaboration with Teaching Staff to deliver curriculum expectations

5.5. Ongoing Professional Learning

5.5.1. Professional Development Sessions

5.5.2. Collaborative with Staff for varied activities throughout the schools

6. Ontario Curriculum

6.1. Collaborative planning in coourses that meet curriculum expectations

6.2. Resources that have been suggested as curricular books/ websites for select courses