The effect of reynolds number on jet in asymetric co-flows: a CFD study.

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The effect of reynolds number on jet in asymetric co-flows: a CFD study. par Mind Map: The effect of reynolds number on jet in asymetric co-flows: a CFD study.

1. THE INSTANTANEOUS STREAMWISE VELOCITY FIELDS: At the last time step show the major difference brought by altering the nozzle diameter Dj. In orden to visualize the jet in a better way, the streamwise velocity is normalized as u/Ub.

2. IN COMBUSTION REACTORS: There are two types of recirculations zones: the internal recirculation zone (IRZ) And the external recirculation zone (ERZ) The are of great significance for diffusion flames since they directly influence the mixing between the fuel and oxidizer.

3. BASED ON THE RESULTS FROM CFD SIMULATIONS: With the standard K-E model and comparisons to other research work, some conclusions can be drawn as below. the standard K-E model gave the closet prediction to the measurements in previoun work.

4. MATERIALS AND METHODS.1)Geometry and mesh 2)CFD setup 3)Governing equations 4)Turbulence models 5)Grid study.

5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: To investigate the effect of initial re on the jet development four simulations with different nozzle diameters were run with grid 2 bassed on the grid study results.

6. THE DECAY RATES... Of the mean streamwise velocity 1/B and the scalar concentration are calculated by the curve fitting the timeaveraged data from simulations results based on equations (12) and (13).