תצוה key ideas

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תצוה key ideas par Mind Map: תצוה key ideas

1. Moishe Sampson:

1.1. First idea:

1.1.1. Rebbe: the stages of ויאנחו expressed in שמן המשחה which is the point of גלות -- the שמחה that is referred to here, the ישמח לב has to do with זית -- the מרורים כזית but מתחת ידך

1.1.2. Striking that the זית is so wonderful, but so bitter if not the right preparation -- bitter aftertaste of american שמן זית

1.1.3. MY: the connection of זית to שכחה and שמן זית לחכמה and to fixing שכחה! -- which relates to מנורה וחכמה

1.2. Second idea: אור וחושך משתמשים בערבוביא, it is ישראל's connection to תשובה -- the רבינו בחיי mentions it is ישראל who are צפית לישועה, and the גוים יושבים בחושך

1.2.1. no response to יסורין amongst the אומות (the גמרא עבודה זרה about being מבעט בסוכה)?

1.2.2. it is יונה that brings light and עלה זית טרף בפיה וישראל

1.3. בגד

1.3.1. vs בא גד

1.3.2. the רבינו בחיי הבגדים לאדם הראשון בגדי כהונה על פי מדותיו! עוטה אור כשלמה The different פנים of אור, becoming sensible in a different way than just light with no color --> Light has no essence until broken up! Meir Simcha: Re kohen, begadim, integration - even the interweaving of shatnez.

1.4. The הוא עשך ויכננך

2. Moshe Fohrman

2.1. שמן וקטרת going back to ראשית?

2.2. the implicaitons of burning שמן המשחה?

2.3. KeyIdea of clothing

2.3.1. the idea of being משתמש בכבוד שאינו שלו

2.3.2. idea of אהרן's wearing vs אחשורוש

2.3.3. idea of the issue of בושה

2.3.4. why is it called בגדים and not לבוש? צניעות!

2.3.5. the גאוה בגדי הקב״ה

2.3.6. The fact that זר not allowed to wear --> and more, that the כהנים are only כהנים when they wear the clothing

2.4. that this is the תכלית of יציאת מצרים is לשכני בתוכם -- the cosmic significance of that in terms of the dreams of ראשית!

2.5. KeyIdea of חכמה

2.5.1. the אשר מלאתיו רוח חכמה

2.5.2. nature of שם?

2.6. ישמח לב?

2.7. The KeyIdea of כבוד?

2.7.1. לכבוד ולתפארת

2.8. what is the new calling of the ואתה תצוה?

2.9. KeyIDea of עבודה and changing for ברית כהונת עולם*

2.10. why מקטר קטרת, and not just מזבח הקטרת?

2.11. oppostie of קנאה by אהרן -- nad specifically לב ששמח במשה that allows him!

2.12. Shiur of תקוה -- the vector, you are

2.13. The fact that יעקב אבינו knew there was to be משכן

2.14. Moishe: תאות ענוים שמעת ה״!

3. Meir Simchah: why not יוסף ובנימין? --> but you see the reuniting is בכייה and חורבן? specifically in terms of משכן --> there also כתנת!

3.1. Moishe: difference of חמש חלפות שמלות? the difference of putting it on and taking it off, the ותלבש אסתר מלכות and חלפות

4. Meir Simchah: the אהרן אדם מכיר ומייחד in terms of רבינו בחיי, is expressed in that אהרן was זוכה on his own -- לא שבטך אלא אחיך!

4.1. Rebbe: need to go through period of making things work for yourself -- growing and developing and לפום צערא אגרא, that what it is that makes אהרן himself, is this achievement -- which is why it is לא שבטך אלא אחיך -- therefore זוכה as individual to כתר כהונה Moreover, all the כלים from this point on is עבודתן מחנכתן, only a כהן is משוח but only a כהן משוח is in terms of קרבן הוראה!

4.2. The יונה

4.3. Moishe: it is also the רצון to become which is wanting to be part of קרבן הנשיאים --> Rebbe and that is the nature of חנוכה -- that is why he is excited by other's potential -- that is the שמן הטוב and never gets used up --> MY: that is ז״ה י״ב שבטים! --

5. MS: the presentation of אהרן וכלים as משכן -- lots of people express themselves as "wanting to be כלים", this sense of wantint obe a part of the world and being a כלי -- which makes a lot of sense in הלכות שביעית of everyone being a לוי, but on the other hand a flight from רשות and escape from freedom -- an inability or denial of a search for mode of expression, which is שמן -- and felt it was an existential point

5.1. Rebbe: There seems to be innate contradiction in משכן being defined and being part of the כלים -- and at the same time encouragement of potential, which would imply potential to freedom and seeing things in new ways and doing things anew -- how do we explain the concentration as if it is proportional of the freedom and excitement for life, in what appears to be the opposite -- and to become a fkh of it? Especially when we see that people who want to be formed are almost masochistic

5.2. Religion: the more deprived of humanity it is, the more thrill it is

5.3. the שייכות to the משכן -- why is the משכן not crushing in the way that some people feel תפילה being defined would be crushing, or why so difficult to be אוסר הבמות

5.4. the בגדים part of the constraint -- the "full monty" -- but you know someone BETTER through בגדים rather than nakedness, because that doesn't show him!

5.5. broader issue of אדם מכיר ומייחד not onstraining but allowing him to be connected to that which is beliefs that he would like to have but is not reality, the אל מדעתכם -- the further the

6. connection of שרות to שרות

6.1. if do not do dishes, then do not feel חשיבות

6.2. the responsibility to world that can be מעלה

6.3. the simple דרך ארץ of what it means to be אדם cannot be somethign you don't care about

6.4. What אברהם loved about סולמא דצור!

6.5. The idea of כלי which allows

7. Baruch Avraham

7.1. This is the פרשה of על לבו -- where he says לבי אומר לי

7.2. Focus in חבורה on רצון, and all the כלים and preparing for the עבודה, none of it complete till שמן זית זך -- without רצון what is the עבודה work -- that is גילוי רצון של הקב״ה

7.3. Rashi's insistence of the stones embedded in the gold plates -- where is my individuality vs the כלל -- and this is how it is expressed, each stone in there but all level with each other the individuality amongst the masses --> Rebbe: that is the י״ב נשיאים and differences in thought and care -- but the stones didn't reach the דרגה of the נשיאים! Implications when you ahve that in science!

8. MS: Also, I understand that Aharon can't go into the Kodesh Kedoshim in gold, but he goes in without the zicharon of bnei Yisrael on his heart - what's going on there? Is the entrance about his entrance not as functionary but as Aharon the person?