This hazard takes place when body part comes in contact with a sharp edge. The seriousnes of cutt...

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This hazard takes place when body part comes in contact with a sharp edge. The seriousnes of cutting and tearing depends on how much damage is done to the skin, veins, arteries, musceles and even bones. par Mind Map: This hazard takes place when body part comes in contact with a sharp edge. The seriousnes of cutting and tearing depends on how much damage is done to the skin, veins, arteries, musceles and even bones.

1. preventative measure to

1.1. application of appropriate safeguards

1.2. machine operator should be trained

1.3. workers should avoid using shortcut methods to save time.

1.4. supervisor should ensure safetyguards should be on right place.

2. Cutting and Tearing Hazard