Accounting, Business and Management (ABM)

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Accounting, Business and Management (ABM) par Mind Map: Accounting, Business and Management (ABM)

1. Fundamentals of Accounting, Business and Management

1.1. Identifying assets, liabilities, and owner's equity

1.2. Balancing accounts

1.3. Trial Balance and T accounts

1.4. Debit and Credit

2. Organization & Management

2.1. Kinds of leaders/managers

2.2. Planning

2.3. Kinds of business you're going to handle

3. Business Math

3.1. Taxation

3.2. Payroll

3.3. Commission Rate

4. Reading & Writing

4.1. Creating a resume

4.2. Interview

4.3. Book Review

5. Physical Science

5.1. Periodical Table of Elements

5.2. Alchemy

5.3. Big Bang Theory

6. E-tech

6.1. Photoshop

6.2. Creating a Website

6.3. Creating a Karaoke