12-18 Months old

12 to 18 month kid

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12-18 Months old par Mind Map: 12-18 Months old

1. Movement

1.1. May climb in/out of things

1.1.1. dump out drawer to explore contents

1.2. climb backwards down stairs

1.3. walk, may even run, stiff-legged

1.4. throw, some may kick ball

2. Social & Emotional development

2.1. comfortably explore away from parents

2.2. cares about alults' reactions to his behaviors

2.3. understand shareing

2.4. understand "mine"

2.5. understand needs of others

2.6. starts to understand how others feel

2.6.1. such as "empathy", feel sad when other people is crying by him or her

3. schedule

3.1. needs 12-13h of sleep in a 24h period

3.1.1. transitting from needing 2 daily naps to 1afternoon sleep during the 6 months

4. Memory skills

4.1. ask for sth you took away earlier

5. activity

5.1. start to enjoy simple pretend play

5.2. do construction work

5.2.1. stack things, build "towers" and knock them down

5.2.2. like to push and pull things

5.2.3. fit things into holes

5.3. group similar things

5.4. enjoy popping bubbles

5.5. self-treatment

5.5.1. dreaks easily from cup

5.5.2. can brush teeth (with help)

5.6. tend to swallow things

6. Language development

6.1. may use a few words (may not be recognized by unfamiliar adults)

6.2. point to sth interested in

6.2.1. Identifies reflection in mirror

6.2.2. point to body parts

6.2.3. points to familliar objects in pictures

6.3. still trying to understand simple instructions

6.4. waves 'bye-bye'