The Hero's Journey: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

The hero's journey mind map

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The Hero's Journey: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone par Mind Map: The Hero's Journey: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

1. 5 - CROSS THE FIRST THRESHOLD and enther in the Special World, were... (Hagrid encourages him and takes him to the magic world, presenting him with his first obligations)

2. 6 - They encounter TESTS, ALLIES AND ENEMIES (Harry meets his teachers, friends and enemies at Hogwarts)

3. 7 - The hero APPROACH THE INMOST CAVE, crossing a second threshold (begins the suspense about the danger of the stone falling into the wrong hands)

4. 8 - Were they endure the ORDEAL (Harry and his friends go through the trials that protected the stone)

5. 9 - They takes possession of their REWARD and... (harry, after overcoming the challenges, take possession of the philosopher's stone)

6. 10 - Are pursed on THE ROAD BACK to the Ordinary world (the specter of his enemy almost kills him, leaving him unconscious for a few days)

7. 11 - They cross the threshold, experience a RESURRECTION, and are transformed by the experience (Harry has a date with the past from what has passed. When he becomes aware of everything, he decides to follow a path.

8. 1 - Heroes are introduced in the ORDINARY WORLD... (Strange things began to happen in Harry's life - the glass of the zoo)

9. 2 - The hero receive the CALL TO ADVENTURE. (Hagrid invades Harry's uncles cottage to say he's a wizard and invite him to Hogwarts)

10. 3- They are Relucted at first or REFUSE THE CALL... (Harry refuses to believe he is a wizard, he believes there is a mistake)

11. 4 - ... are encoraged by a MENTHOR (Hagrid reminds him of past events that would prove this, encourages him to move on.)

12. 12 - Eles RETORNAM COM O ELIXIR, um benefício ou um tesouro para beneficiar o mundo comum (it is known that the stone is destroyed, so that the lord of darkness can not return.)