The Right Stuff

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The Right Stuff par Mind Map: The Right Stuff

1. Which class do I take?

1.1. If you take classes that interest you more it's more likely that you will learn more in those classes.

2. Stressing Liberal Arts

2.1. There is so much you can go in to when having a liberal arts degree

2.2. Steve Jobs went to college for six months, dropped out, and then stayed in friends dorms and sat in on classes that he actually enjoyed. A calligraphy class he sat in on helped a lot with designing APPLE

3. Navigation

3.1. Being able to research to find facts from tables.

3.2. Being able to find credible sources.


4.1. Curiosity and a love for what you do will take you farther in life than your high I.Q.

5. Right Brain

5.1. Instead of always using the left side of your brain, learn to use your right brained skills.

6. Tubas and Test Tubes

6.1. You must do your best to work well with the people around you and use your right brain skills.