Indefinite articles

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Indefinite articles par Mind Map: Indefinite articles

1. Articles "a"

2. Cuando la palabra empieza con una consonante, debe usar "a"

3. Finding the difference between the use of articles in English a and an is something my students truly struggle with. Especially my younger students worry a lot trying to decide if it is "a apple" or "an apple", and if it is "a umbrella" or "an umbrella". Here we show you some ways to remember which one to use and thus have a more fluent English. When to use articles in English a and an There is a simple way to remember this: When the word begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u), then you should use 'an', it sounds better and it sounds more appropriate to say it.

4. Articles "an"

5. Cuando la palabra empieza con una vocal, debe usar "An"

6. Reglas de como usar "a" o "an"

7. When the word begins with a consonant you must use 'a'. If you use words and phrases such as 'ball', 'glass of water' or 'cup of coffee', then it would be "a ball", "a glass of water" and "a cup of coffee". However, with this rule there is an exception. If you are using a word with a silent 'h', such as 'honorable' or 'honest' then you have to use 'an'. Therefore, it would be "an honorable man" and "an honest mistake". With words like 'umbrella', 'ice cream' and 'apple' you have to use: "an umbrella", "an ice cream" and "an Apple". Unfortunately, there are also some exceptions to this rule. When the 'u' has the same sound as the 'y' in "you", or the 'o' has the same sound as the 'w' in "won" then you must use 'a'. An example would be "a one-legged man" and "a European trip". As long as you follow these methods, it will be easy to know when to use the articles in English 'a' or 'an'. If you want to continue learning new concepts and be able to improve reading comprehension, vocabulary and writing in English, try our EF English Live online English course for free with distance classes at any time.