American Dream

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American Dream par Mind Map: American Dream

1. Shelter

1.1. Expenses

1.2. Home Ownership

1.3. Clean Water

2. Employment

2.1. Interview

2.2. Pay stabs

2.3. Taxes

3. Education

3.1. College Application

3.2. College Tuition

3.3. Financial Aid & Student Loans

4. Definition

4.1. Our Thoughts

4.2. "The Epic of America" 1931 James T.Adams

4.3. Declaration of Independence

4.4. Immigrants

5. Personal Finances

5.1. Decision Making

5.2. Budgeting

5.2.1. Create your Budget

5.3. Banking

5.3.1. Checking Accounts

5.3.2. Credit & Credit Cards

5.3.3. Financial Trouble

5.3.4. Saving & Investing Stock Market