Indian CEO Competencies (Hay Group/ Bharat Petroleum Research Highlights)

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Indian CEO Competencies (Hay Group/ Bharat Petroleum Research Highlights) par Mind Map: Indian CEO     Competencies         (Hay Group/ Bharat  Petroleum Research Highlights)

1. Managing the environment

1.1. Organizational Awareness (Understanding how things get done in a particular organization & focusing in coping with external policies)

1.2. Networking (reaching out to a wide network for ideas & problem solving

1.3. Stakeholder Influence ( The ability to persuade specific stakeholder, mainly influencing government)

1.3.1. Most time spent in Boundary Management

2. Inner Strength

2.1. Executive Maturity ( Emotional wisdom to embody and model organizational value)

2.2. Transcending Self

3. Development Areas: >Stakeholder or Boundary management >Interpersonal understanding IQ vs EQ >Execution ( Great thinking little execution)

4. Socially responsible Business Excellence

4.1. Focus on goods & services that benefit everyone & India (e.g. High tech projects)

4.2. Adaptive thinking : Strategic insight into business & adapting innovative methods & technology to Indian markets.

4.3. Entrepreneurial Drive

4.4. Extraordinary energy & persistence in overcoming the challenges they face

4.5. Excellence in Execution

5. Energizing the team

5.1. Team Leadership

5.2. Driving Change

5.3. Empowerment with accountability

5.4. Interpersonal understanding

5.5. Team facilitation