Weekly Group Roles

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Weekly Group Roles par Mind Map: Weekly Group Roles

1. Facilitator

1.1. "Hire" facilitator

2. Undifferentiated Work

2.1. Make group membership decisions

2.2. Communicate with guests

2.3. Food

3. Coordinator Manages

3.1. Food Coordinator

3.2. Venue Liaison

3.2.1. Handle any problems with our venue

3.3. Physical Host

3.3.1. Make sure cleaning happens before after

3.3.2. Show up on time / early

3.4. Accounting

4. Owner

4.1. Create Group

4.2. End Group

5. Coordinator

5.1. Set Pricing

5.1.1. Currently $150-$110-$70

5.2. Make logistical decisions

5.3. Make guest decisions

5.3.1. Receive incoming requests

5.3.2. Communicate with guests with group

5.3.3. Collect Money

5.4. Internal Communications

5.4.1. Conflict resolution

5.4.2. Find out who won't be there

5.5. Facilitator support

5.5.1. feedback