" Service with a smile " and " emotional labour"

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" Service with a smile " and " emotional labour" par Mind Map: " Service with a smile " and " emotional labour"

1. Definition: a strong social pressure for employees to display an upbeat demeanor at all times, demonstrating happy and friendly emotions in an effort to make customers feel pleasant and at ease.

2. Study case hypothesis: examined international differences in emotional displays by having participants from Israel, France, Singapore, and the United States. => Explain how they would behave in a variety of emotionally charged situations as customer service agents.

2.1. Research findings: although there was a strongly consistent tendency for respondents to report they would try to show happiness and suppress anger toward customers, there were differences in the extent to which people would engage in these forms of emotional labor.

2.1.1. Finding 1: Respondents from Singapore were especially negatively disposed toward expressing anger at customers.

2.1.2. Finding 2: The French found it more acceptable and this group show they reserved in their expressions of happiness.

2.1.3. Finding 3: U.S. respondents were especially likely to display happiness toward customers.

2.2. Result: companies that operate in multiple markets should expect to see differences in the types of emotions customer service employees will display.