An Introduction of Information Technology

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An Introduction of Information Technology par Mind Map: An Introduction of Information Technology

1. Advantages

1.1. speed

1.2. reliability

1.3. consistency

1.4. communication

1.5. storage

2. Disadvantages

2.1. violation of privacy

2.2. public safety

2.3. impact to labour force

2.4. health risk

2.5. impact on enviroment

3. Application of Information Technology

3.1. education

3.1.1. learning management education

3.1.2. computer based training

3.2. finance

3.2.1. finance investment system

3.2.2. online banking

3.3. government

3.3.1. e-filing

3.3.2. e-syariah

3.4. health care

3.4.1. medline

3.4.2. counter registration system

3.4.3. telemedicine

3.4.4. telesurgery

3.5. science

3.5.1. virtual reality

3.5.2. cohlear implant

3.5.3. nueral network

3.6. publishing

3.6.1. online newspaper & magazine

3.7. travel

3.7.1. GPS

3.7.2. e-ticketing

3.7.3. online reservation system

3.8. manufacturing

3.8.1. computer aided design

3.8.2. computer aided manufacturing

4. Information Technology (IT) is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of information systems".

5. Information Communications Technology (ICT) covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form. For example, personal computers,

6. Computer categories

6.1. supercomputer

6.1.1. size : occupy a full room of equiment

6.1.2. speed : ten of thousand of processor

6.1.3. speed : extremely large (3.1 PB)

6.2. mainframe

6.2.1. size : partial room to a full room of equipment

6.2.2. speed : dozen of processor

6.2.3. storage : very large (4.6 TB)

6.3. personel computer

6.3.1. size : fit on the desk

6.3.2. speed : single processor (1.5-2.5 Ghz)

6.3.3. storage : 500 mb

6.4. mobile computer

6.4.1. size : fit on your lap or on your hand

6.5. mobile device

6.5.1. size : fit in your palm of hand or pocket size

6.6. embedded computer

6.6.1. size : miniature