SAW Google Issues

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SAW Google Issues par Mind Map: SAW Google Issues

1. Qualité

1.1. Acounts

1.1.1. Change : How to change my name and my office location on all google products ?

1.1.2. Change : Internationalisation/Externalisation

1.2. Security

1.2.1. Request : Security banner in Gmail

1.2.2. Request : Security banner in Gdrive AddOn

1.3. Google Admin Console

1.3.1. Request : Right on Google Admin Console ?

1.4. MyGoogle

2. Dialogue

2.1. Gmail App

2.1.1. Request : How to modify or create a shared mailbox ?

2.1.2. Request : I can't succeed in entering to my mailbox.

2.1.3. Request : Where is one email that I received from a distribution list ?

2.1.4. Request : How to re-activate my shared mailbox ?

2.2. Currents App

2.2.1. Change : The owner of a community leave the company and I'd like to be the new owner !

2.2.2. Request : I'd like to change my community from public to private !

2.2.3. Request : I'd like to desactivate/activate notifications.

2.2.4. Request : I can't post anything on any community on Google+ !

2.3. @Chat App

2.4. CFM App

3. Stockage

3.1. DFS

3.1.1. Request : Google DFS DFS not working

3.2. Shared Drive

3.2.1. Request : GOOGLE - TEAM DRIVE Access Creation

3.3. Google Docs/Slide/Sheets

3.3.1. Standard request opening

3.4. Drive

3.4.1. Request : Lost Drive Documents Docs restauration Collaborator account deletion and drive elments tranfer

4. Organisation

4.1. Calendar App

4.2. Project Management App

4.3. Jamboard App

4.4. How to solve Jamboard issues ?