Digital citizenship and the risks of internet: Cyberbullying

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Digital citizenship and the risks of internet: Cyberbullying par Mind Map: Digital citizenship and the risks of internet: Cyberbullying

1. What is "cyberbullying"?

1.1. Cyberbullying definition: the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature

2. Types of "cyberbullying"

2.1. Harrasement

2.1.1. Harrasement can affect someone's self-esteem

2.1.2. Harrasement consists of sending malicious, unkind and threats to a person or group

2.2. Frapping

2.2.1. Fraping is when somebody logs into your social networking account and impersonates your child by posting inappropriate content in their name

2.2.2. Impersonating somebody online and ruining their reputation can have serious consequences

2.3. Outing

2.3.1. Outing consists of embarrassing or publicly humiliating a person or group through the online posting of sensitive, private or embarrassing information without their consent

2.3.2. Personal information should not be shared.

2.4. Cyberstalking

2.4.1. Cyberstalking is the practice of adults using the Internet to contact and attempt to meet with young people for sexual purposes

2.5. Dissing

2.5.1. Dissing is the act of sending or posting cruel information about a person online, to damage their reputation or friendships with others

2.5.2. It can also include posting material online such as photos, screenshots or videos

2.6. Exclusion

2.6.1. Having online conversations and tagging other friends but not them

2.6.2. Being excluded from parties & events

3. How to stop "Cyberbullying"

3.1. It is NOT your fault

3.1.1. You MUST not blame yourself; you did NOT cause it

3.1.2. No one deserves to be treated cruelly

3.2. Do NOT respond or retilate

3.2.1. Sometimes a reaction is exactly what aggressors are looking for because they think it gives them power over you, and you don’t want to empower a bully

3.3. Save the evidence

3.3.1. The only "good" think about Cyberbullying is that you can save the messages or actions that a bully does

3.3.2. Show the evidence to someone who you trust

3.4. Use available tech tools

3.4.1. Most social media apps and services allow you to block & report the person

3.4.2. Whenever you are getting harrased, report & block the user