challenges as a result of the global trend of climate change and global warming.

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challenges as a result of the global trend of climate change and global warming. par Mind Map: challenges as a result of the global trend of climate change and global warming.

1. higher oil prices

1.1. there is lesser natural resources around us

1.2. so oil prices will rise tremendously

2. climate change

2.1. extreme weather

3. rise in sea level

3.1. as the tempreture increase , ice berg will melt and the sea level will increase

3.2. some low lying area will be flooded

3.2.1. limited land space

3.3. eg , venice

4. oxygen depletion

4.1. amount of oxygen in sea level decrease

4.1.1. decrease in sea creatures

5. food supply

5.1. more C02 in atmosphere

5.2. precipitation level change

5.3. increase frequency of extreme event eg tsunami , flood

5.4. not steady supply of food will cause starvation , mulnutrition

5.5. shortage of food worldwide

6. business opportunity

6.1. clean energy sector

6.2. energy efficency sector