Theoretical Perspectives of Developmentt

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Theoretical Perspectives of Developmentt par Mind Map: Theoretical Perspectives of Developmentt

1. Cognitive Developmentalist

1.1. Nature

1.2. Focus on Semantic and Morphemic Speech

1.3. Theorist: Jean Piaget

1.3.1. Object Permanence

1.3.2. Preoperational Stage

2. Nativist

2.1. Nature

2.2. Focus on Syntactic Speech

2.3. Theorist: Noam Chomsky

2.3.1. Langugage Acquistion Device

3. Interactionist

3.1. Nurture

3.2. Focus on Pragmatic Speech

3.3. Theorist: Lee Vgyotsky

4. Behaviorist

4.1. Nurture

4.2. Focus is on Semantic, Syntactic and Morphemic Speech

4.3. Theorist: B.F. Skinner