How to improve writing skills through the use of ICT?

How to improve writing skills through the use of ICT?

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How to improve writing skills through the use of ICT? par Mind Map: How to improve writing skills through the use of ICT?

1. Microblogging

1.1. Serves as a major component of social network

1.1.1. short and concise work of writing Implies:citing, connecting, defining, redefining, exploring investigating, organizing, and brainstorming and gathering data.

2. Mobile learning

2.1. Functional Systemic Linguistics:: ideational ( experiences) , Interpersonal ( interact with others) textual ( construct coherent discourses(Lirola, 2006)

2.1.1. Genre Pedagogical Approach:ability emphasized on the form of the text PODCAST

3. Digital Gaming Literacies

3.1. FACEBOOK gaming is an emerging platform.

3.1.1. Games "MAFIA WARS" Engagement, problem solving, and collaboration are three aspects that are important in composition


4.1. The grammatical categories that the tool provides are selected in order to assist learners for improving their English writing skills.