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Introduction par Mind Map: Introduction

1. Vision

1.1. Emancipated Education

1.2. Indigenous Knowledge

1.2.1. Name

1.2.2. Office hours

1.2.3. Contact

1.3. Teaching philosophy

1.4. Grading System

1.5. Online Resources

1.5.1. E-learning

1.5.2. Student forum

2. Purpose

2.1. Promotion of ideal teacher

2.2. PCK

2.3. 4IR classrooms

3. Aims

3.1. Acknowledgement of Inclusive Education

3.1.1. 1st Sitting

3.1.2. 2nd Sitting

3.1.3. 3rd Sitting

3.2. Ecological theory

3.3. Social learning

3.3.1. Essay exam

3.3.2. Oral exam

3.3.3. Multiple choice

3.4. Cognitive construction theory

4. Mission

4.1. Africanism

4.2. Decolonization education

4.3. Authensity