Health Benefits Of Zumba.

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Health Benefits Of Zumba. par Mind Map: Health Benefits Of Zumba.

1. Health

1.1. Heart

1.1.1. Makes the heart muscle healthy and work normal.

1.2. Stress

1.2.1. The body to release endorphins make stress to disappear.

1.3. Muscle

1.3.1. Strong and compact.

1.4. Body weight

1.4.1. Help burn 600 to 1000 calories and weight loss.

2. Social

2.1. Meet many people, such as men, women, children, and adults.

3. Cons

3.1. Big shape, excess weight and degenerative joints.

4. Aerobic & Anaerobic

4.1. aerobic

4.1.1. Use oxygen to focus on fat to burn energy.

4.2. anaerobic

4.2.1. Do not use oxygen, focus on muscle building.

5. Meaning

5.1. Is an exercise that is not boring because of having to dance with music that is fun Help build your confidence Make your health and social life great.