Opening the Door to Technology & Learning for 21st Century Students!

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Opening the Door to Technology & Learning for 21st Century Students! par Mind Map: Opening the Door to Technology & Learning for 21st Century Students!

1. Try this ...

1.1. Self Assessments

1.2. Feedback - Recognize and celebrate the small successes

1.3. Peer to Peer Teaching

2. Don't do this ...

2.1. Direct Instruction

2.2. Mass practice of a skill

2.3. Disconnected information

3. Develop 21st Century Skills

3.1. Critical Thinking - evaluate and scrutinize online content

3.2. Creativity - Explore and play with online tools

3.3. Collaborate - share opinions and interact online

3.4. Freedom of choice - flexibility in customizing learning content

4. Make it Personal!

4.1. Get to know what your students are interested in

4.2. Identify what past knowledge and beliefs to bring to the classroom

4.3. Make it learning challenging enough to engage but too challenging to discourage

5. Make Connections

5.1. Connect with people outside the classroom

5.2. Connect to real world content

6. Be a Partner in Student Learning

6.1. Allow students to learn on their own in groups by answering questions or solving problems

6.2. Ask the right questions, coach and guide students

6.3. Be student driven - topics based on passions!