Housing options Lava interns

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Housing options Lava interns par Mind Map: Housing options Lava interns

1. Dutch commercial housing brokers

1.1. huurwoningen.nl

1.2. Kamernet

1.3. Kamertje.nl

1.4. Kamerhulp.nl

1.5. marktplaats.nl

1.6. easykamer.nl

1.7. studentenkamer-tehuur.nl

1.8. amsterdamhousingforexpats.com

1.9. Funda.nl

2. housing associations

2.1. woningnet.nl

2.1.1. NOTE: more long term focus

3. Student accomodations by housing associatons

3.1. Uilenstede Short stay accomodations

3.1.1. NOTE: not really close to Lava

3.2. De Key

3.2.1. Short Stay Facilities (SSF) De Key

3.3. Studentenwoningweb.nl

3.4. Duwo.nl

3.5. Ymere studentenwoning

3.6. http://www.tijdelijkwonenamsterdam.nl/

4. General information about (student) housing in Amsterdam

4.1. http://www.iamsterdam.com/en-GB/living/education/student-accommodation

5. Dutch NON commercial brokers

5.1. sfshousing.nl

5.2. Casa 400

5.3. ASVA

5.4. SRVU

6. Alternative options

6.1. The Student Hotel

6.2. http://www.nestpick.com/

6.2.1. Pick your nest Directly rent student properties from landlords online.

6.3. Hostel

6.3.1. http://www.wow-amsterdam.nl/