Effective Teaching in the Primary Division

Effective teaching - by Ritu Sharma

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Effective Teaching in the Primary Division par Mind Map: Effective Teaching in the Primary Division

1. References

1.1. DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION http://www.edugains.ca/resourcesDI/EducatorsPackages/DIEducatorsPackage_2016/DI_EducatorsGuide_AODA.pdf

1.2. The Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession https://www.oct.ca/-/media/PDF/Standards%20Poster/standards_flyer_e.pdf

1.3. Effective Assessment and Instruction for All Students http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/general/elemsec/speced/LearningforAll2013.pdf

2. Educators Responsibility

2.1. Care - Safe and positive environment. Communicating with Parents

2.2. Respect - Model good behavior for our students. Respect the spiritual and cultural values. Include culture in the classroom

2.3. Trust - Include student's background. Safe and secure environment.

2.4. Integrity - Be Honest.

3. Theorists who helped to ground how educators respond to children

3.1. Bruner's Constructivist Theory - Create Self directed independent learners capable of teaching themselves

3.2. Vygotsky Social Cultural Theory - Focuses on the interaction learners have with MKO in the development of cognition and high order thinking

3.3. Piaget Cognitive Development Theory - On how children organise their thinking

4. Equity and Inclusive Education

4.1. Working with ESL students and Parents

4.1.1. Provide interpreter if needed

4.1.2. Use visuals, gestures,non-verbal cues,intonation during the lesson

4.1.3. Use multilingual signs in the school and classroom

4.1.4. Support continued development of the first language

4.1.5. Provide parents all information in their native language

4.2. Integrate Special need students

4.2.1. Use ADAPT strategy

4.2.2. Provide accommodations to the student with exceptional needs based on their IEP

4.2.3. Provide more opportunity to show their learning

4.3. Equity issues

4.3.1. Culturally responsive teaching

4.3.2. All families treated fairly and respected

4.3.3. Appreciate the diversity

4.3.4. Students see themselves reflected in the program and surroundings

4.3.5. Multiple opportunities to explore and learn

5. Differentiating Instruction

5.1. Allow student choice how they will create and present activities

5.2. Provide frequent classroom informal assessment

5.3. Promote an environment in which learning differences are valued and celebrated

5.4. Encourage to use variety of tools and resources to differentiate

5.5. Create a learning carousel which contains several activities based on the same topic

5.6. Provide nurturing environment where all students feel accomplished and secure

5.7. Provide different level of support in the classroom depending on students need