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The ADDIE Model par Mind Map: The ADDIE Model

1. Analysis

1.1. Who

1.1.1. Who are the intended learners?

1.1.2. How will their experience and prior knowledge impact their learning?

1.1.3. What technology resources do they have available, and would be comfortable using?

1.2. What & Why

1.2.1. What is the need that needs to be addressed?

1.2.2. What are the learning goals and program objectives?

1.3. When

1.3.1. What is the expected timeline for developing the content?

1.3.2. What is the expected timeline for mastery of content?

1.4. How

1.4.1. Considering the above, select a delivery method that accommodates for the learners, their needs, and the expected timeline.

2. Design

2.1. Solidify scope

2.1.1. Human effort

2.1.2. Monetary cost

2.1.3. Timeline estimate

2.2. Rough draft it!

2.2.1. Solidify mode of delivery

2.2.2. Compile and organize content Translate program objectives into concrete learning objectives Separate content into modules or individual lessons Determine how to assess learning

2.3. Initial testing

3. Development

3.1. Build it!

3.1.1. Create and assemble all content, learning assessments, etc.

3.1.2. Consider how content flows together Do the segments make sense? Is the design intuitive?

3.1.3. More testing - now with a pilot of real learners!

4. Implementation

4.1. Live and learning!

4.1.1. Monitor for issues

4.1.2. Continue to collect feedback from learners

5. Evaluation (Summative)

5.1. How well do the live learners reach the intended goals and objectives?

5.2. Did the learners provide any actionable feedback?

5.3. Have there been any changes to the content since it was developed that need to be updated?

5.3.1. Note: This, for me, is where a lot of changes would come from! The software we train changes constantly...

5.4. What can be improved in this and future programs?

6. Evaluation (Formative)

6.1. Review & revise

6.1.1. Do your ideas match your needs?

6.1.2. Consider feedback from other key players

7. Evaluation (Formative)

7.1. Review & revise

7.1.1. Revise design as needed based on the initial testing

7.1.2. May return to the Analysis stage at this point, or move forward to Development

8. Evaluation (Formative)

8.1. Review & revise

8.1.1. How well do the pilot learners reach the intended goals and objectives?

8.1.2. Did the learners provide any actionable feedback?

8.1.3. Are you clear to move forward to Implementation with minor revisions, or do you need to go back to the Analysis, Design, or Development stage?