Assessment Process

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Assessment Process par Mind Map: Assessment Process

1. Data analysis

1.1. Assemble data in orderly and meaningful manner

1.1.1. Compare data with norms

1.1.2. Synthesize and integrate informaiton Accept or reject hypothesis

2. Data collection

2.1. Non-standardized measures

2.2. Standardized measures

2.3. Interview

2.4. Observations

3. Impressions

3.1. Prognosis

3.2. Diagnosis(es)

3.2.1. Definite, Probable, Possible

3.2.2. Severity

3.3. Recommendations

3.3.1. Education

3.3.2. More Assessment

3.3.3. Referral

3.3.4. Treatment Goals

4. Referral

4.1. Record Review

4.1.1. Educational chart review

4.1.2. Medical chart review

5. Initial Contact

5.1. Patient/client

5.2. Family / caregiver

5.3. Purpose

5.3.1. Gather further information Define / refine the problem Develop hypothesis

5.3.2. Clarify referral informaiton Define questions Determine information neeeded