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Computer Ethics par Mind Map: Computer Ethics

1. Social Media

1.1. Current issues

1.2. privacy

1.3. cyber-emotional issues

1.4. False Image (Fyre festival etc.)

2. Hacking

2.1. Is there such thing as ethical hacking?

3. Laws and legislation

3.1. Data Protection Act 1998

3.2. Propriety vs Open source software

4. Environmental concerns

4.1. Manufacturing

4.2. E-waste

5. How it affects different individuals

5.1. Different generations

5.1.1. Teen

5.1.2. Adults

5.1.3. Children

5.2. Who does it affect the most?

5.3. Who has the most control?

6. Terms an conditions

6.1. Misleading?

6.2. Is it our fault if we consent to something and are held accountable for our actions if it is imbedded deep in terms and conditions

7. Psychology

7.1. Experiment with fake game show

7.2. Do we feel that things are more acceptable because other people are doing it

8. Robots

8.1. Taking over?

9. Important organisations and individuals

9.1. Edward Snowden

9.2. Julian Assange

9.3. Mark Zuckerberg

9.4. Anonymous group

10. Politics and elections

11. How can we help?

11.1. Can we help?

12. What do we know

12.1. Survey?

12.2. Questionnaire?

13. Human side

13.1. Ruins relationships?

13.1.1. Parental?

13.1.2. Romantic

13.2. Japan - risk of underpopulation because people would rather have intimate relationships with robots

14. Case studies

14.1. Wikileaks

14.2. Zhima credit system

15. How is it presented in the media?

15.1. Who presents?

15.2. How do they use techniques to make us believe or buy (into) certain things

16. AI

16.1. VAR

16.2. Jobs replacing