Foundations of the United States Government

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Foundations of the United States Government par Mind Map: Foundations of the United States Government

1. The Constitution

1.1. Amendments

1.2. Branches

1.3. Important Clauses/Compromises

2. Civic Engagement

2.1. Voter Registration

2.1.1. :: Indiana Voters ::

2.2. Contacting Representatives

2.3. Why is it important?

3. Founding Documents

3.1. The Federalist Papers

3.1.1. The Federalist Papers - Resources - Resources

3.2. Anti-Federalist Papers

3.3. Enlightenment Ideas

4. Pre Constitution America

4.1. Articles of Confederation

4.1.1. What was the Articles of Confederation?

4.2. Shay's Rebellion

4.2.1. The Shadow of Shays’ Rebellion

4.3. Revolutionary War