Tips on how to wake up not tired.

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Tips on how to wake up not tired. par Mind Map: Tips on how to wake up not tired.

1. In general

1.1. 90 min snooze

1.2. wake up every day at the same time.

1.3. Do some exercises

1.4. Paint your room in a relaxing colour like blue.

1.5. Prepare your bed.

2. During the night

2.1. Put your notifications off.

2.2. Hydration

2.3. Don't play on your phone.

2.4. Go to the bathroom before bed.

3. In the morning

3.1. Stretch

3.2. Use a cold shower.

3.3. Open the curtains.

3.4. Eat breakfast.

3.5. Spray cold water on your face.

4. In the evening

4.1. Dont drink coffee before bed.

4.2. Don't smoke 1 houre before bed.

4.3. Shower before bed.

4.4. Don't play games before bed.

4.5. Don't drink alcohol.