Physics Unit 2 Vocab - Michelle Kwon

Physics unit 2 vocab mindmap

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Physics Unit 2 Vocab - Michelle Kwon par Mind Map: Physics Unit 2 Vocab - Michelle Kwon

1. Displacement

2. Scalar Quantity: a physical measurement that can be described by magnitude only and has no direction

3. Vector quantity: A physical measurement that contains directional information

4. Velocity

4.1. Average Velocity:

4.2. Instantaneous Velocity

4.3. Acceleration: The rate at which velocity changes

4.3.1. Average Acceleration

4.3.2. Constant acceleration

4.3.3. Units of Acceleration: m/s^2

4.3.4. Instantaneous acceleration

4.3.5. Particle model

4.4. Velocity Formula: v=d/t

4.5. Units of velocity: m/s

4.6. Velocity-time graph

5. Force:a push or pull exerted on an object

5.1. Force formula: F=ma

5.2. Net force:

5.3. Weight

5.4. Free body diagram

6. Distance: The length of a path between two points.

7. Time: the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues

7.1. Time Interval: the time between two events

7.2. Time interval Formula: t=tf-ti

8. Speed: Distance/time

8.1. Distance-time graph:

9. Macroscopic object