Psychology in Humanistic Studies

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Psychology in Humanistic Studies par Mind Map: Psychology in Humanistic Studies

1. false memories

1.1. meaning making

2. aggression

2.1. violence

2.2. emotion

2.2.1. jealous

2.2.2. anger

2.2.3. shame

3. self-transcendence

4. meaning making

4.1. meanings made

4.1.1. global and situational meaning

4.2. Park

5. existential distress

5.1. life threathening illness

5.1.1. 8 interventions

5.2. existential pain and spiritual pain

5.3. LeMay & Wilson

6. Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development

6.1. The eight stage model of psychodynamic psychotherapy -> Knight

7. Pluralistic Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy

7.1. Knowledge of the client

8. six conditions of Rogers

9. Self-narratives

9.1. life stories

9.2. MacAdams

9.2.1. McLean

9.3. Identity

9.3.1. material part

9.3.2. social self

9.3.3. spiritual self

10. bullying

10.1. Social-Ecological Diathesis–Stress Model

10.2. fluid and dynamic nature of involvement in bullying

10.3. different roles

10.3.1. bully

10.3.2. bystander

10.3.3. active participant

10.3.4. defender

10.4. influences:

10.4.1. peer

10.4.2. individual

10.4.3. family

10.4.4. social environment community school