Mental Health Promotion

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Mental Health Promotion par Mind Map: Mental Health Promotion

1. Decrease Risk Factors

1.1. anxiety

1.2. depression

1.3. stress

1.4. social isolation

2. Increase Resilience and Protective Factors

2.1. Consider Protective Factors

2.2. Consider Risk Factors

3. Reduce Inequities

3.1. Social Determinants of Health

4. Positive Mental Health

4.1. Recognize abilities

4.2. Cope with normal daily life stress

4.3. Be Productive

4.4. Contribute to community

4.5. Growth mindset

5. Healthy Public Policy

5.1. Reorient services to promotion, prevention and early intervention

5.2. Consider Social Determinants of Health

5.3. Equity

5.4. screening across the lifespan

6. Maintenance

6.1. clear outcome targets

6.2. Multiple approaches

6.3. Multiple settings

6.4. Extended periods of Intervention

6.5. Long term Investment

6.6. Evaluation