What initiatives should Miltonwood pursue in the next 6-18 months that will enable them to increa...

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What initiatives should Miltonwood pursue in the next 6-18 months that will enable them to increase revenues by $100M per annum over the next 3 years? par Mind Map: What initiatives should Miltonwood pursue in the next 6-18 months that will enable them to increase revenues by $100M per annum over the next 3 years?

1. external factors

1.1. price and quality if services provide by major competitors

2. internal factor

2.1. reduce cost

2.1.1. variable cost strict implementation of cancellation and late check out charge

2.1.2. fixed cost reduce expenditure on personnel by 5 percent in one year

2.2. increase revenue

2.2.1. revamp existing marketing strategy

2.2.2. introduce customer loyalty program