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Summer Jacob par Mind Map: Summer Jacob

1. I feel that my role as an educator is to help students learn and explore the world around them. I plan to do this by creating fun and exciting lesson plans, and harvesting a safe and loving classroom environment.

2. I am incredibly passionate about health and fitness, and love to go to the gym. I also enjoy spending time with family and coffee!

3. After a lot of prayer and self-reflection I decided to pursue this new dream of becoming a teacher. I am both excited and nervous to embark on this new journey. My professional goals are to receive both my credentials and master’s in education in the next 2 years.

4. My faith and walk with God is the biggest part of my life. I strive to live according to his will and desires for my life!

5. I have basic knowledge when it comes to technology. I know how to navigate through such programs like Microsoft Word,Excel, and PowerPoint.