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HUMSS par Mind Map: HUMSS

1. e-tech

1.1. ict

1.2. typing master

1.3. spreed sheet

1.4. google drive

1.5. Microsoft excel

2. soc-sci 3

2.1. culture

2.2. society

2.3. reading

2.4. oral

3. soc-sci 1

3.1. reporting

3.2. history of arts

3.3. painting

3.4. carving

4. bible

4.1. words of god

4.2. role play

4.3. review

5. science 1

5.1. solar system

5.2. earth

5.3. universe

6. math

6.1. quiz

6.2. function

7. english 1

7.1. verbal communication

7.2. types of communication

7.3. oral communication

8. english 4

8.1. parts of paragraph

8.2. reaction paper

8.3. debate

8.4. concept paper

9. p,e 1

9.1. dance

9.2. gymnastic

9.3. stretching

10. Filipino 1

10.1. mga teorya

10.2. wika