empowerment technologies

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empowerment technologies par Mind Map: empowerment technologies

1. 8: basic web page creation


1.2. ways to create website

1.2.1. using MS word

1.2.2. using jimdo

1.3. editing elements

1.3.1. move element up

1.3.2. move element down

1.3.3. delete element

1.3.4. copy element

1.3.5. drag tool

1.4. adding elements

1.4.1. heading

1.4.2. text

1.4.3. photo

1.4.4. text with photo

1.4.5. photo gallery

1.4.6. horizontal line

1.4.7. spacing

1.4.8. columns

1.4.9. video

1.4.10. form

1.4.11. store item

1.4.12. share buttons

1.4.13. additional elements

1.5. site settings

1.5.1. templates

1.5.2. style

1.5.3. blog

1.5.4. upgrade

1.5.5. settings

1.5.6. SEO

1.5.7. store

1.5.8. statistics

1.5.9. help

1.6. settings

1.6.1. account settings

1.6.2. website

1.6.3. mobile settings

1.6.4. email and domain management

1.6.5. store

1.6.6. SEO

1.6.7. apps

1.6.8. jimdo

1.7. inserting a page

1.8. header

1.9. image

1.9.1. sizing tools

1.9.2. align tools

1.9.3. rotate tools

1.9.4. view tools

1.9.5. other tools

1.10. paragraph

2. 9: collaborative ICT development

2.1. web portals

2.2. online collaborative tools

3. 7: online platforms for ICT content development

3.1. social media platforms

3.2. blogging platforms

3.3. content management system

3.4. creating blog using wordpress

3.5. posting wordpress blog

3.6. cloud computing

4. 10: interactive multimedia

4.1. multimedia content

4.1.1. videos

4.1.2. sound, music. or audio

4.1.3. online games

4.1.4. online tests

4.1.5. courseware

4.1.6. podcasts

4.1.7. vodcasts

4.2. inserting youtube videos on blog post