Standard: 1-ESS1-1 Use observations of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be ...

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Standard: 1-ESS1-1 Use observations of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted. par Mind Map: Standard: 1-ESS1-1 Use observations of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted.

1. Stars

1.1. Constillations

1.2. Telescopes/binoculars

1.2.1. make your own - as a classroom activity

1.3. Types of stars

1.3.1. dwarf, giant, neutron, supergiant

1.4. Life Cycle of a star

2. The Sun

2.1. How Earth orbits the sun

2.1.1. Students can use a cooking pan with a rim and a small rubber ball, representing the Earth, move the pan to show rotation

2.2. Sun rays

2.3. The sun at different times of the day

2.3.1. Shadow experiment

2.3.2. Making sun dials

3. Moon

3.1. moon landing

3.1.1. photos of landing

3.1.2. moon rocks

3.1.3. surface temperature

3.2. moon phases

3.2.1. crescent, gibbous, waxing, and waning Eclipses What do these look like? Oreo moon phases activity Students create each moon phase using Oreos to represent the moon. The creme filling is scraped off according to which phase. Which moon phase are we in right now, which phase is next? Create a video about the moon phases with the Oreo examples

3.3. Gravity

3.3.1. moon orbits the Earth

4. Science - 1st grade