An Effective Global Knowledge Program

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An Effective Global Knowledge Program par Mind Map: An Effective Global Knowledge Program

1. Global Teacher

1.1. A globally competent teacher is one “who possesses the competencies, attitudes, and habits of mind necessary for successful cross-cultural engagement at home and abroad (Berdan, 2014)."

1.2. Characteristics of a Global Teacher:

1.2.1. Research and investigate real-world problems as they affect the nation and the world.

1.2.2. Respect other cultures beliefs, values and way of life.

1.2.3. Communicate effectively with others from diverse cultures.

1.2.4. Guides student to understand their place in the world as a global citizen.

1.2.5. Facilitator and coach, able to give the students freedom to lead the classroom when challenged to do so.

2. Global Classroom

2.1. a place that is inclusive where all children have an equal voice, doesn’t have to take much extra time. Teaching materials should reflect the world’s diversity, as should classroom visitors (Berdan, 2014).

2.2. Characteristics of a Global Classroom

2.2.1. Inclusive where all students are equal.

2.2.2. Multi-lingual materials, books, games, and on-line access to familiarize student with other languages.

2.2.3. Maps, globes, and games used to facilitate geographical learning.

2.2.4. Displays art from around the world and plays music from different countries to show diversity in the arts.

2.2.5. Uses technology to enhance global learning through Skype, or connecting with another country for an international project.

2.2.6. Collaboration and group work are focused on solving global issues.

2.2.7. Newspapers, International magazines, T.V. and Internet to familiarize themselves with the state of the world and global economy.

3. Globally Competent Student

3.1. The student has an appreciation of their culture and the culture of others. They understand we are all different and are able to differentiate.

3.2. Able to communicate across cultures with others effectively and exchange ideas.

3.3. Student is curious and motivated, utilizing skills to search for answers to questions before making final judgements.

3.4. Understands their place in the world. They know they are but one in a million and there is more to learn.

3.5. Uses technology to communicate globally, create or improve ideas, and collaborate.

3.6. Able to listen and communicate skillfully with others without bias.