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Module 3: Art par Mind Map: Module 3: Art

1. MODULAR WORK 5 Модульна контрольна робота max. 25 points

1.1. A Multiple Matching. Відповідності (10 points)

1.2. A gapped text. Відтворення тексту (5 points)

1.3. Paragraph Writing: Starting A Blog. Твір-роздум: Мій блог (10 points)

2. Self-Study on Topics 9-10 Самостійна робота з тем 9-10 max. 10 points

2.1. Self-Study on Topic 9: Writing a review: Music

2.2. Self-Study on Topic 10: The Basics of Geometry

3. A Glossary for Module 3

4. Topics 9-10. Workshops 31-36. Практичні заняття 31-36 max. 126 points

4.1. Topic 9: Styles and Genres in Art

4.1.1. Workshop 31: Future Tenses Grammar: Presentation of Future Tenses Self-Control: Future Tenses Exercises Grammat Test

4.1.2. Workshop 32: Listening and Speaking: Expanding Ideas: Cultural Heritage (10 points) World Famous Art Galleries and Museums

4.1.3. Workshop 33: Reasoning and Speaking Practice: Literature (10 points)

4.2. Topic 10: Computer Graphics

4.2.1. Workshop 34: A Film Review (10 points)

4.2.2. Workshop 35: Debating: Art vs Photography (10 points)

4.2.3. Workshop 36: Summarizing and Research: The History of Geometry (10 points)

5. MODULAR WORK 6 Модульна контрольна робота max. 25 points

5.1. Multiple Choice Matching Test Множинний вибір (15 points)

5.2. Listening and Comprehension, Definition Essay Аудіювання, інформаційне есе (10 points)