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Stress par Mind Map: Stress

1. General Adaptation Syndrome

2. Stress Level by Generation and Gender

3. Common Defense Mechanics

3.1. Repression

3.2. Projection

3.3. Displacement

3.4. Regression

3.5. Rationalization

3.6. Identification

4. 7 Pillars of Self- Care

4.1. Health literacy

4.2. Self- Awareness of Physical and Mental condition

4.3. Physical Activity

4.4. Healthy eating

4.5. Risk avoidance or mitagation

4.6. Good Hygiene

4.7. Rational and responsible use of products, services, diagnotic and medicine

5. Cognitive Appraisal

5.1. Primary Appraisal

5.2. Secondary Appraisal

6. 3 Types of Stress

6.1. Eustress

6.2. Neustress

6.3. Distress

7. 3 Types of Stressors

7.1. Cataclysmic Events

7.2. Personal Stressor

7.3. Background stressor

8. Level of Response to Stress

8.1. Emotional

8.2. Physiological

8.3. Behavioral

9. Constructive Coping Tactics

9.1. Appraisal-focused Strategies

9.2. Problem-focused Strategies

9.3. Emotion-focused strategies