Pharmaceutical Companies

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Pharmaceutical Companies par Mind Map: Pharmaceutical Companies

1. Attempt to influence policymakers and government decisions

1.1. Increase third-party negotiations of drugs in Medicare

1.2. Benchmark what Medicare pays for drugs to prices other developed countries pay

2. Lobbying

2.1. Recent spending: 2019: $228.2 million 2018: $284 million 2017: $278 million

3. Contributions

3.1. Recent spending: 2019: $13 million 2018: $43.5 million 2016: $63.8 million *Note: spending total represents entire two year election cycle (i.e. 2016 includes 2015 and 2016).


4.1. PhRMA and Pfizer are both members

4.2. Corporate members decide whether to support model legislation, giving pharmaceutical members considerable influence